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How do I cancel a product subscription?Updated 5 months ago

Mobile Devices: 

  1. Tap the 3 lines on the left hand side ( ≡ or trigram)
  2. Click "Account" to sign-in to your account
  3. Tap the ≡ on the left hand side
  4. "Go to Store" 
  5. Tap the ≡ on the left hand side
  6. "Manage Subscriptions"  (**If you do not see, please sign out and back in)
  7. Scroll to the bottom. 

There you will find the area to view:

  • Upcoming and Previous orders, 
  • Manage Subscription (edit items, dates, frequency),
  • Address and Payment Details. 

Desktop Devices:

  1. Sign-in to your account
  2. Click on "Go To Store"
  3. Click the Person 🧑‍💼 icon between the Monocle 🔍 and Cart 🛒
  4. Click on ''Manage Subscription" (**If you do not see, please sign out and back in)
  5. Click on ''Manage Subscription"
  6. This will allow you to make changes on future orders. The Quantity, Delivery Schedule/Frequency, Shipping Address, and Charge Date will all be found under each individual item.
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